Thursday, 5 May 2011

LEVENS - last week I visited this unique topiary garden.

 For a long time now I have been wanting to visit this unique garden -famous for its three hundred year old topiary- which is situated fairly near to  Kendal in the Lakes. 
Finally last week at the end of April we made it!

It did not disappoint.

This garden is very special.  It is a real visual treat. A very gem of a garden.

 (Although sadly , the day was overcast  for my photos)

These yew and  box trees take four gardeners over a month to trim.
Each box bed in this section of the garden was inlaid with violas.
Again each flower was different. 
I love them.

I want to make myself a felt corsage modeled on these little gems!

Here we arrive at another part of the formal  garden - its so sculptural that its almost difficult to know from what angle  to view it.

And then I saw and fell in love with this one!

How is this achieved? So clever.

This garden and Elizabethan  house are a must visit!
They are  truly wonderful. 
The garden a  triumph!


  1. What a wonderful garden to visit - I think I saw a spot on Gardenrs' World from Levens - so inspiring. The amount of work going back over centuries is breathtaking.

  2. A beautiful post!! I absolutely love it!!

    Thank you!!

    xx Susan
